Monday, March 28, 2011


I hate it when people act like the shit they've intentionally and knowingly put themselves through is SUCH a damn burden to their very soul and use it as an excuse to be bitchy to others. Papers, projects, recitals, rehearsal obligations, classes, lessons, practicing-- STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR GIVING BIRTH TO THE FUCKING WORLD OR SOMETHING AND GET OVER YOURSELF. HOLY SWEET JESUS. STRESSED? DEAL WITH IT. BREAK THINGS. SCREAM. SOCK SOMEONE IN THE FACE. GO GET DRUNK. BUT DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON PEOPLE AND TREAT THEM LIKE YOUR PISSING POLE.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I was shit tonight.

Utter, total, undeniable shit.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


True flirtation is...

-A single look from across the room
-The way a sentence tapers at the end
-A corner of the mouth curling into a devious smile
-A conversation with filled by ambiguous answers

It's an art even woman should strive to master.

Flirtation is NOT...

-Transparent flattery
-Blatantly comfortable body language
-Stupid conversations about unimportant shit

This makes you seem cheap and brainless

This is what most women do.

This should be avoided.