Monday, September 20, 2010

Status Update

I'm making an appointment with an on-campus psychologist tomorrow. I feel like my brain's going to explode and I just can't handle it on my own anymore.

I feel like breaking half the things in the kitchen cupboard right now. I know this aggression isn't because of anger but because of sheer frustration. WTF is happening to my world and why the hell have I suddenly gotten this bad that handling it?

I hate pretense and facades. Most of all, I HATE irresponsibility.

Funny little conclusion I've come to: The Stage never lies to me; The Stage never leads me on; The Stage never brushes me aside; The Stage never treats me like something disposable; The Stage and I have a perfect understanding of what I want and I of what it wants.

I don't need anything else.

I'm really resisting the urge to burn a LOT of bridges right now.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ramblings on Arias


Here's something I had mused on many years ago: Why the heck is that soprano singing the same words and musical motif over and over again in that aria? I thiiiiiink we get the idea after the third time, lady...

But really, have you ever thought about it? Why would someone write that on paper? Why would a composer have someone sing the same lyrics and the same music over and over again? As filler? Just for kicks?

No. The reason why Ariodante sings "Scherza infida" over and over and over and over again as he sings about how he was betrayed by his love is because that's how we humans ARE. Our minds our souls don't EVER say or think something just once or even just twice.

Arias are places where characters bare their souls. The music, the words-- these are not just scribbles or black dots on a couple of lines on paper. It's their soul.

The audience's responsibility is to understand what's happening on stage during those moments and the performer's responsibility is to portray that music and those words with as much honesty and humanity as possible.

"Opera was invented because the spoken word was inadequate." --Graham Vick