Monday, August 30, 2010

Ramblings on something awesome that happened today!

Tooootally shocked! :D

So, today I met someone who reads my opera blog!

I just couldn't believe it! It was during the intro dinner for the new batch of APU Bel Canto Women's Choir and a friend of mine pulls me aside and introduces me to a parent of a choir member. Then she tells me that she read my blog. I was really shocked that anyone besides me was actually reading that thing! I was always under the impression that whatever I wrote there was going unnoticed and that I was just doing it for me but wow...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ramblings on Opera Etiquette - Part II

Yep, that guy in the penguin suit!

Next installment of opera etiquette!

Il Maestro

“Maestro” is the Italian word for “Master” or “Teacher” and is the term of endearment and respect for the music director and conductor of the opera. Yes, that guy in the front in a tuxedo, flailing his arms the entire show. Without him, there would be no show! The proper concert etiquette is to applaud him (or her, in which class it would be “Maestra”) at these designated times:

1) Before the overture when the Maestro takes his place in front of the orchestra
2) At the end of the overture
3) At the end of the act before intermission.
4) When the Maestro reassumes his place in front of the orchestra after intermission.
5) During the curtain call when the Maestro is brought on stage with the rest of the cast.

Basically, you applaud whenever you see him walk. It’s a good rule of thumb if you forget.

Conductors: Can't live without 'em! Hopefully this has cleared up a few things. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ramblings on Opera Etiquette - Part I

Totes inappropes, guys. Totes inappropes.

Okay, here I go! I'll be breaking this up into a few parts so this post doesn't go on for ever and a day. XD

Among the many misconceptions about opera, one of the more puzzling aspects is the etiquette. Never mind the screaming fat lady in the last act with the long blonde braids, shield and horned helmet; I’ve heard more false impressions about opera etiquette than anything else.
To someone who hasn’t experienced it, opera can seem like a completely different culture, something entirely foreign and aloof, and this can be just another reason to avoid the theatre. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be like that! Opera is meant to be enjoyed, not treated as some sort of relic. Opera etiquette, like most etiquette, is about being considerate to both the performers and fellow audience members. It’s as simple as that! So, whenever you don’t know what to do, just ask yourself, “Will this disturb others?” If so, don’t do it.
This is a short, concise guide to help you understand the culture of opera and to, ultimately, make your time at the theatre more enjoyable. Get ready to check one more excuse off of your list!

What (not) to wear

In olden days, going to the opera was a social event. In a way, it still is but back then, it was the place to show off, gossip and stare at others freely. Special, elaborate dresses and tuxedos were made specifically for these occasions because appearances were of the utmost importance to ladies and gentlemen of society. Nowadays, however, the dress code is much more relaxed. Gone are the days of stain and bustles and tuxedos. Instead, for non-gala opera performances, modern society favours something more akin to the “Sunday dress.” Your choice isn’t limited to just these items but these are foolproof.

Gentlemen: Slacks and a button-down shirt with dress shoes will do nicely. Or, if you are so inclined, a suit and tie also are considered fashionable.

Ladies: Dress pants, blouse, below/at the knee skirt, tailored dress, dressy shoes, or anything conservative and beautiful will suffice.

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to look like your great aunt/uncle Sally/Sal; being fashionable is more than acceptable! However, there are a few things that aren’t considered tasteful. These are a few things you should avoid.

Gentlemen: Jeans, tennis shoes, sandals/flip-flops/anything open toe, shorts, anything too baggy and doesn’t cover your boxers, work boots, graphic t-shirts, too much bling, baseball caps or other casual headwear, wife-beaters and anything that doesn’t cover your shoulders, etc.

Ladies: Jeans (unless they’re dark wash and dressy), hoochy skirts that are basically loin clothes, sandals/flip-flops/anything open toe that isn’t dressy, casual tops that you would wear to the gym/pick up your kids, shorts you would wear to the beach/grocery store/etc, tank-tops, anything way too tight (I don’t care how bangin’ your body is), etc.

Now, on to gala events. Galas are special occasions in opera where people get really dressed up and fancy with a reception after the performance. Sometimes you have dinner or cocktails and meet the cast! In these occasions, Sunday dress doesn’t really cut it. Here are a few guidelines to picking the perfect semi-formal to formal outfit.

Gentlemen: Have you seen Casablanca? Who hasn’t? Okay, if you haven’t, go look it up. The outfit Rick wears—the white dinner jacket with the bow tie—is absolutely perfect. Of course, you don’t have to try and look exactly like the incomparable Humphrey Bogart to fit in at a gala. I would recommend a tuxedo outfit. Yep. That’s it for you guys!

Ladies: It’s always more difficult for ladies when it comes to outfits but in this case it’s actually very simple. Any dress that’s form flattering will do. Of course, don’t go in a cocktail dress. That’s a bit too short. Something semi-formal that is beautiful but doesn’t show off too much skin is perfect.

A gala is a social event and you want to look your best. Just make sure that your outfit doesn’t command more respect that you.

Hopefully, that was a bit helpful and informative! Part II coming soon! :D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Coming soon!

Worst audience ever.

Does concert etiquette baffle you? Has this prevented you from going to a concert or an opera? Have you ever attended a classical music performance of some kind and was insecure about when to clap and when to say 'bravo'?

Dang, I just sounded like an infomercial!

When I was first getting into classical music years ago, etiquette was one of the things that felt very daunting and I know I wasn't the only one. At first, it can feel like a completely different culture. I searched all over the internet and went to book shops for a comprehensive guide to concert etiquette and never really found one. I had to hunt and experience a lot of things myself in order to know what is and isn't proper.

So in order to help classical music newcomers, I've recently written a sort of Idiot's guide to opera etiquette and I'm currently revising it. I hope to have bits of it posted here and on APU's official opera blog soon!

Get ready to check one more excuse off your list!! :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ramblings on My Test Drive

I just gave my new baby a whirl and I've gotta say... I LOVE IT! Best $400 I've ever spent!

I tried uploading the photos to Blogger but I think they got compressed. A lot of the details and colours were lost so I decided to upload them to my Flickr and link them.

My dog Wilson looking very ready to graze the cover of a magazine. Looks like a legit headshot, doesn't it? :D

And the colours this thing picks up is gorgeous. All I did was resize these pictures. I didn't fiddle with the colour settings at all and it's still amazing!

I am one happy camper... <3


I just got my Canon 400D in the mail. ;ALPAOUNER;OVNA;

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ramblings while impatient

That's right. I just used a brush in Photoshop to make this. :P

I just checked my email and the guy that sold me my camera still hasn't shipped it. WTH???

I know I'm being irrationally impatient but COME ON!!! He's shipping it from Massachusetts through ground mail! It's gonna take at LEAST two weeks. FML.

Okay. Breathe. I've got a whole stack of choral music to look at and work on until that camera gets here. Hoo-hee-hoo-hee~~~


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ramblings on something I just bought

Guess what I just bought through eBay!!!


Dear 'my Flickr page',



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ramblings on a few ideas


Hell hath no fury.

Just a few ideas about my junior recital. It's still a year away but I've been brain storming.

Future recital title: "Amor e Vendetta."
Poster/photo idea: Me embracing my "lover." His back is in in the picture and my face is visible along with a big kitchen knife. I hold up the index finger of the same hand I'm holding the kitchen knife with to my lips, as if to say "shh."

Repertoire: Art songs, cantate, and arias that have to do with love, betrayal, lament and revenge.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ramblings on one of my dad's quotes - Rule #41

Wouldn't it be so much easier if our mind worked exactly like this?

Dad's Rule #41: "People who fail to compartmentalize fail to succeed."

Meaning: Kinda self-explanatory. In life, if you get your proverbial peas into your proverbial mashed potatoes, you're going to have a hard time living life. Crappy day at home? Don't bring that into work. Crappy day at work? Don't bring that into the house. Doesn't mean don't share your feelings with someone. Rather, it means don't let one aspect of your life negatively effect another. It's a sign of weakness and is ultimately unprofessional and no one wants to work with someone with those characteristics.

It's not always easy and no one does it perfectly but I think it's something to keep in mind and work on.

I'm definitely still in training. I think I've gotten better at it, though. Then again, I've always felt that I've been better at compartmentalising than most girls. Maybe I'm still more of a tomboy at heart than I thought! Oh deeeear... Haha!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ramblings on...


I'm OFFICIALLY done learning the role of Clarina!

:D :D :D