Monday, August 23, 2010

Ramblings on Opera Etiquette - Part II

Yep, that guy in the penguin suit!

Next installment of opera etiquette!

Il Maestro

“Maestro” is the Italian word for “Master” or “Teacher” and is the term of endearment and respect for the music director and conductor of the opera. Yes, that guy in the front in a tuxedo, flailing his arms the entire show. Without him, there would be no show! The proper concert etiquette is to applaud him (or her, in which class it would be “Maestra”) at these designated times:

1) Before the overture when the Maestro takes his place in front of the orchestra
2) At the end of the overture
3) At the end of the act before intermission.
4) When the Maestro reassumes his place in front of the orchestra after intermission.
5) During the curtain call when the Maestro is brought on stage with the rest of the cast.

Basically, you applaud whenever you see him walk. It’s a good rule of thumb if you forget.

Conductors: Can't live without 'em! Hopefully this has cleared up a few things. Thanks for reading!

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