Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ramblings on... er...

I thought I'd get over it. I really did. But I just have to get this out or else I'm going start feeling insane.

Have you ever wanted to disembowel someone and make out with them at the same time?

I mean, have you had a mix of those feelings about the same person-- not wanted to do both at the same time.... that's too sick even for me. O_o

But anyways...

I can't stand him. I really can't. He's an obnoxious know-it-all who doesn't stop talking. He sucks up to the teacher and answers all the questions-- even the ones that aren't directed towards him. He's 75% of the reason why I want to go postal in my class. But when I see him outside of class, like in the hallways, all I can think about grabbing him by the collar, throwing him against a wall and making out with him.



Friday, October 29, 2010

Ramblings on a rant

Dear twopeoplewhoaregettingonmynerves,

Do you not know what happens to people like you in the professional opera world? Seriously? Do you REALLY not know? Well, here's the low down: YOU GET CUT. YOU GET CUT THEN YOU GET BLACK LISTED.

Person-number-one, I don't care HOW amazing you are (not that you are but let's not go there right now). When you're an arse to your colleagues, you're not getting another job. Do NOT forget that there are oodles and oodles of talented people out there-- people who can sing and act just as well as you and look just as good as you-- or perhaps even better. What makes you think that conductors and opera houses will hire you, a freakin' JERK, when they can hire an actually DECENT person? Being a kind person isn't only the right thing to do, it's a professional advantage.

BTW, idiot: you're shooting yourself in the FOOT by treating your scene partner like CRAP. You've proved to me and everyone who knows that you're the weak one and that, if the scene falls on its face, it's YOUR fault and no one else's.

And REALLY, person-number-two? Seriously? Do you not understand that the LEADS' words play a part in your getting a performance? Talking bad about the leads when you're a cover? Saying that you're concerned about the lead's performance because you've apparently got AMAZING chemistry with someone and that the lead doesn't with the other? SERIOUSLY? The leads are leads for a reason. We earned it in the auditions. You've got to earn it DURING the process. I'm not insecure; I have no reason to be. I'm just astonished at your lack of strategy.

Crap talking gets you NO WHERE. Maybe you know what you're doing is offensive, then again, maybe you don't. Either way you've offended. No matter the intentions, the damage has been done. At school, it doesn't matter that much BUT, do you know what happens to COVERS in the pro opera world that do anything other than what they're told? This miiiiight come as a surprise but when they mouth off... THEY. GET. CUT. They get cut then black listed. The opera world is a VERY small one. Everyone knows everyone and word travels like wild fire.

Get your heads out of your arses. I'm sick and tired of this. I'm sick and tired of seeing people treated like CRAP.

With all the sarcastic love in the world,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ramblings of something I've been feeling like...

...screaming at the top of my lungs lately:

Dear PeoplewhomIwillnotmention,


With much frustration,

PS: I see RIGHT through you. Don't think for a second that I let things just fly over my head.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ramblings on Randomness

Listening to past lessons = weird and AWESOME all at the same time! Hearing myself is kiiiiiinda painful but some of the stuff that gets recorded is just GOLD!

This is a little something I came across in a recording of a lesson from last year (Freshman year 1st semester):

*To the tune of The Ash Grove* "I went down the street and I bought some Jolly Ranchers and then I came back and they stuck to my teeth~~~"


Friday, October 1, 2010

Ramblings on something that irritates me

Something that happened today brought this up.

People who know me know that I take criticism very well. I mean, how else would I be getting on as a vocal performance major if I didn't? But I really REALLY hate it when people tell me to "calm down." Honestly? Who the hell are you-- my dad? Telling me that I'm being loud and that I should probably quiet down is one thing. Telling me to "calm down" is absolutely another.

When people tell me to "calm down", I feel like they're being condescending. As if they're saying that I'm being immature and that it's unbearable against their all-knowing sagely maturity. Not to say that I'm incapable of being immature ever but that sort of condescension is really annoying. And especially since I act excitedly with people whom I consider friends who understand me, I get really hurt. Not just ticked or offended. Hurt.

Every time someone tells me to "calm down," I feel as if my liveliness is being suppressed. As if my spirit and my joy and my happiness-- which are all integral aspects of my character-- is being told to exist no further. Irrational? Perhaps. But it's essentially what it feels like. It's like telling a dancer not to move or binding a painter's hands.

I'm loud. I'm obnoxious. I'm passionate. I'm excitable. I'm opinionated. I'm silly. I'm goofy. I'm sarcastic.
If you don't like any of these qualities about me, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, mate.