Friday, October 1, 2010

Ramblings on something that irritates me

Something that happened today brought this up.

People who know me know that I take criticism very well. I mean, how else would I be getting on as a vocal performance major if I didn't? But I really REALLY hate it when people tell me to "calm down." Honestly? Who the hell are you-- my dad? Telling me that I'm being loud and that I should probably quiet down is one thing. Telling me to "calm down" is absolutely another.

When people tell me to "calm down", I feel like they're being condescending. As if they're saying that I'm being immature and that it's unbearable against their all-knowing sagely maturity. Not to say that I'm incapable of being immature ever but that sort of condescension is really annoying. And especially since I act excitedly with people whom I consider friends who understand me, I get really hurt. Not just ticked or offended. Hurt.

Every time someone tells me to "calm down," I feel as if my liveliness is being suppressed. As if my spirit and my joy and my happiness-- which are all integral aspects of my character-- is being told to exist no further. Irrational? Perhaps. But it's essentially what it feels like. It's like telling a dancer not to move or binding a painter's hands.

I'm loud. I'm obnoxious. I'm passionate. I'm excitable. I'm opinionated. I'm silly. I'm goofy. I'm sarcastic.
If you don't like any of these qualities about me, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, mate.

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