Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ramblings on my being ridiculous

I'm looking at Facebook pictures of a certain someone and crying. I've NEVER felt this ridiculous before. No, serious. This is a new low for me and my bloody self-esteem.

It might be because I'm sick right now and everything school-related seems to be converging into this giant ball of tangled deadlines and assignments and rehearsals...

Or it just might be the pills I've been taking...

Or it might be that I'm fucking hormonal during wrong fucking time of the fucking month...

But I think I've, for the first time in a long time, realized the very probable possibility of me, spending the rest of my life on my own.

And honestly? That's fucking scary.

I think I act like I don't want anyone. But deep deep WAAAAAY deep down, I think I'm just waiting for someone to change my mind.

This shit doesn't normally bother me this much. But right now, I feel like I'm going to fall apart into little pieces.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ramblings on a more current state of mind

I always do this when an impending performance looms over my head: I get introspective, thoughtful and over-analytic.

But it's never about my performance. Instead, it's about people, relationships, God, family, etc.

Usually, this... process... helps my performance by giving it a nuance that I wouldn't have found weeks before.

But the circumstances surrounding my performance (actually, my life in general) are so different from my previous performances and this process is more intense this time.

I feel like I'm climbing deeper and deeper inside my own head and I hate it. To avoid it, I'm flipping into workaholic mode: I'm keeping myself busy with work and forcing myself to become exhausted to the point where I can't think about those things.

I lay down to sleep an my mind reels thought countless things all at once. I wake up and I don't feel fully rested.

It has never been this intense and I feel like it's becoming detrimental to my performance more than helping it this time.

In art as in life, it is about finding balance. And as it is in everything, balance is difficult to achieve.

I hope I can get this sorted...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ramblings something I'm thankful for


Right around the same time my dad taught me how to knee someone in the nuts, he taught me how to disarm a gun from someone.

Every girl should know this.


Decent video. Not perfect but it was the best one on Youtube.

One more thing to remember: Once the magazine is inserted into a semi-auto pistol, one round goes in the chamber. If you keep a firm grip on the magazine, no more than one round can dislodge because the slide can't move to reload the chamber. Down side? Well, you still have that one bullet to worry about. You'll just have to hope and pray that one round goes off on some other area aside from your body.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ramblings on a really cool person

Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel.

More talented older sister of Felix Mendelssohn. :P


Ramblings on a Conversation

Here's a conversation my dad and I had last night over the phone:

Me: So, I'm opening a bank account tomorrow.
Dad: Really? That's good.
Me: Well, not really. I'll officially be "in the system" now.
Dad: Yeah, it'll be like the mark of the beast from Revelations.
Me: Exactly. Getting a bank account will be the first six, then the second six will be when I get a driver's license and the third will be when I register to vote.
Dad: *LOL*