Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rablings on one of my dad's quotes - Rule #47

Stellan Skarsgård as Gregor 1998's Ronin, one of my favourite films

Dad's Rule #47
: "Watch out for the quiet ones."

Meaning: Don't worry too much about the ones that boast about what they know or what they can do. Keep them in your radar but they rarely prove themselves as a threat. The ones that you should concern yourself with are the ones that are quiet. You know, the sort that don't say much, keep to themselves and always observe from the corner. Why? Because you never know what they're thinking. They're unassuming, polite and low-key... until they're not.

The character Gregor in the film Ronin is a great example. Team player, helpful but unimposing, follows the rules... until he caps half a dozen people and double crosses his entire team and three countries. Okay, fine, that's a bit extreme and totally fictional but seriously. People get hit in the back of the head (figuratively and/or literally) by the one person they never thought would even dream to harm them.

Sounds paranoid, does it? You'll thank me later! ;)

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