Monday, July 12, 2010

Ramblings on Learning an Opera Role - Part II

"Do it right or don't do it at all."
"You're never really done with anything you start."
"There so such thing as over-preparation."

(I've been hearing those three quotes from my dad since I was a little girl. Those along with dozens more that I've been writing down lately. The list is seriously about a mile long!)

Just a few more things I've been realising as I learn new music.

In learning anything, it's not completely learned until you can do it perfectly at any given time.

I test myself by going over music at random times. That one line or phrase that I thought I had down cold? I make myself sing it right after I wake up or when I'm waiting for my toast or tea. If I can't do it perfectly on the first try, I need more practice. Completely mastery of the music is so crucial in opera because once you get to rehearsals, music should be second nature so you can concentrate on staging, acting and your character. Singing your role should be like breathing by the time you're done. I'm getting there and it's really exciting!

Also, if I can't hear all the other characters' music in my head while I sing my own, I need more work. And in that sense, I'm not just learning my part; I'm learning everyone else's as well.

Wow, I didn't realise how obsessive I am with this until I read what I just wrote down! I guess I did adopt a few work ethics from my dad after all.

Anyways! That's it for now. Back to practicing!

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